
[How To] Remove/Disable Real Time News Ticker on Facebook

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Facebook has recently undergone a major redesign which looks better and clean while on the other side has also confused people with many new options and features. Many are complaining about the new Facebook's news timeline ticker which appears on the upper right hand side of the homepage, which keeps streaming updates of our friends and is distracting.

Currently, Only Chrome and Firefox users can disable the Facebook news ticker with the available Extensions/Scripts.

Google Chrome users can install the Facebook News Ticker remover Extension which would disable the real time news ticker upon installation. Hit "Add To Chrome" and the real time ticker is gone!

Link: Facebook News Ticker Remover Extension.

Firefox Users:

 Remove Facebook sidebar ticker userscript
Firefox users can install the remove Facebook sidebar ticker userscript to hide the Facebook ticker from their homepage. Point your browser to this page after installing the Greasemonkey add-on and hit the Install button. *Note: You must have the Greasemonkey add-on installed for the script to work.

Link: Remove Facebook Sidebar Ticker.
          Greasemonkey Add-On Download.

What are your views on the new Facebook design and the Real Time Ticker ? Do you find the news ticker useful or does it irritate you with junk/irrelevant updates ?

Labels : Facebook, How To Guides, Tech Updates   |   | 17:39


  1. Well I like ticker so much that I will not disable it.
    But it's useful for those who are irritated with tickers.

  2. @Kunal Sharma: The problem with the news ticker is that it is often filled with junk updates, anyways thanks for the comment buddy :)

  3. Re: Remove fb news ticker add on: I'm not really techie savy. I have greasemonkey installed. When I tried to install the delete news ticker add on, all I get is the following, but it doesn't solve my problem. What else do I need to do?
    // ==UserScript==
    // @name Remove Facebook Sidebar Ticker
    // @namespace
    // @description Remove the new annoying ticker from teh sidebar
    // @author Eyal Shahar (@eyalshahar)
    // @license GPL3+ (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)
    // @version 1.0.1
    // @include http://*.facebook.com/*
    // @include https://*.facebook.com/*
    // @match http://*.facebook.com/*
    // @match https://*.facebook.com/*

    // ==/UserScript==
    function removeSidebarTicker(){
    document.getElementById('pagelet_rhc_ticker').style.display = "none";

  4. Doooh. and I can't find the 'Subscribe by email' link below the comment form.

  5. @Anonymous: The script is working fine for me, I tried re-installing the script on Firefox.


    1- Updating the Greasemonkey script, remove/re-install both the scripts.

    2- Use Google Chrome a better and simple browser.



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