YouTube is ready for a revamp ! YouTube unveiled "Cosmic Panda" as an experimental redesign project. Visit and press "Try Out!" to activate the cosmic panda design for the changes to take effect. If you don't like the new design you can disable it from the Test Tube control panel. The new design is much better than the current design of YouTube and it features a video player with a darker theme, a better experience for watching videos and playlists, more designs and tools when you are watching videos in Chrome on YouTube.
The redesign to the interface of YouTube is necessary as it has become outdated and clumsy.
Have a look at the image comparison between the current and the planned look for YouTube.
Below is the current look of YouTube, while playing a video.
Now look at the image below while playing a video having the new the Cosmic Panda design.
You can very well notice that the suggested videos have been moved down and better focus is provided to the video being watch, unwanted clutter is removed. You can change the size of the video very easily.
Link : Cosmic Panda.
Via : Official YouTube Blog.
Do let us know if you liked the Cosmic Panda design for YouTube and plan to use it, or wish to stick to the current layout of YouTube.
Labels : Tech Updates, YouTube | | 01:35
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