
Google To Rebrand Blogger And Picasa

Blogger and Picasa logo
Google is in the news again. Google is planning to redesign all its brands and now the plans are to rebrand all non-Google name brands like Picasa and Blogger. Its time to say goodbye to Blogger and Picasa because Google plans to rename them as Google products. Blogger and Picasa are one of Google's most popular services and its likely that Blogger would be renamed as "Google Blogs" and Picasa as "Google Photos". It is also expected that Google will rebrand several other Google products but not YouTube, probably due to the failure of Google Videos.

Blogger and Picasa were both bought by Google long back, and it is expected that Google will rename them in the next six weeks along with the launch of Google+.

Two days ago the new Blogger user interface was announced and made available for all Blogger In Draft users. The launch of Google+ will facilitate better social integration with Blogger and Picasa.

Via : Mashable.

What are your views on the name changes ? Do you think that the current names are better or would like to see them change ? Do drop your comments below.

Labels : Blogger, Picasa   |   | 23:43



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