
Transform Firefox to Google Chrome

Chrome and Firefox - FXChrome

Firefox 4 has a new interface, somewhat similar to that of Google Chrome. But there are many elements you would not like to have in the new GUI, like the menu bar. Chrome has a simple, elegant look and is loaded with many features, and above all its light weight and starts up very quickly, faster than Firefox.

Chrome is undoubtedly a clean, simple and one of the best browsers. People have started to love the clean and simple UI of Chrome and consider switching, but if you want to stick to Firefox then you can easily make Firefox browser to look like Chrome with the FX Chrome add-on.

FXChrome is a skin for Firefox, which will give you the look and feel like Google Chrome. FXChrome is available for Windows and Linux version of Firefox.

Transform Firefox into Google Chrome Clone FXChromeClick To Enlarge

Have a look at the Firefox window above, you can observe minor differences. Firefox is transformed into a Google chrome clone and acquires a clean look after installing the FXChrome add-on. The add-on gives transforms Firefox to Chrome like looking browser.

Install FXChrome add-on and just restart Firefox for the changes to take effect.

Link: FXChrome add-on for Firefox.

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Labels : Add-ons, Browser, Firefox   |   | 16:24

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