Opera has released Opera Mini 6 for the iPad, Opera Mini is now available for all iOS devices - iPad, iPad2 iPhone and iPod Touch. Previously Opera Mini was only available for the iPhone but is now available for the iPad. Opera Mini provides cost-efficient web-browsing experience for your device, Opera Mini is handy when you are on a slow network. Data is compressed upto 90% before it is sent to the device, so pages load significantly faster. Opera has redesigned the look of the browser and has added support for iPhone 4, iPad and iPad2's Retina display and social sharing function with which you can share your URL's using Facebook and Twitter.
Opera Mini 6 for the iPad 2 has some updated features like smooth scrolling and pinch-to-zoom and panning, open page in a background tab an improved support for international languages. You can have a look at all the features here. The app. weighs just 3.4 MB
Take a look the Screenshots:
Opera Mini 6 for the iPad 2 has some updated features like smooth scrolling and pinch-to-zoom and panning, open page in a background tab an improved support for international languages. You can have a look at all the features here. The app. weighs just 3.4 MB
Here is the Official video by Opera for iPad:
You can Download Opera Mini for iPad from the Opera Website
Have you tried Opera Mini for the iPad ? How was your experience ? Do you like the app. ? Share your views with us !
Labels : Apple, Browser, iPad 2, Opera, Opera Mini | | 20:04
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